Friday 25 November 2011

Demand For Ethnics To Australianise

National anthem plan puzzles Vic schools

"State Multicultural Minister Nick Kotsiras says up to a quarter of migrant children don't feel like they're Aussies and he wants to reverse the trend and have them join his "Team Australia", including by singing the anthem regularly.
"It's about making sure that our students, especially those new migrants, feel a part of the school community," the Greek-born government minister told reporters in Melbourne on Tuesday."

Puzzling indeed.
Minister Nick Kotsiras has done a back flip and rejected the progressive Multicultural agenda which he once vigorously supported in favor of the outdated goal of integration and assimilation. 
It's strange. As a child I never remember any attempt from teachers or government to make French migrant students more Australian. Neither did they bother with English, Croatian or Italian migrants. And there seems to be no debate regarding these migrant groups compatibility in Australia.

Could it be that this proposal is targeted at Arab Muslims and Africans?
Could it be that Nick Kotsiras regards Arabs and African cultures to be vastly different from our own?
Do these migrants want to be part of Australian culture?
What if they don't want to assimilate?
What if Australians will not accept them regardless of how Anglo/Celtic they behave? 
 Is it not the key role of multiculturalism to have many vastly different cultures living in the one country practicing their own culture? 

Nick Kotsiras is a self described "Proud Greek". Not a proud Aussie, but a proud Greek. This is puzzling for two reasons. Greeks are white Europeans which may lead some to believe that Nick Kotsiras is embracing White Pride. As a multiculturalist he should subscribe to the belief that white people do not have a culture or heritage. Secondly, Nick Kotsiras believes that Africans/Arabs/Asians living in Australia should identify as Australian when he himself often describes himself as Greek.

But we really cant read too much into Nick Kotsiras ramblings. After all, Muticulturalists are hypocrites at their core. As long as we are deceived into believing that Multiculturalism is the same thing as Immigration very few will speak out or make the simple suggestion.......
If cultures are NOT compatible, do NOT force them to mix in an attempt to prove ideological philosophies .

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